Charcuterie Board

47K views · 3.9K reactions | I’m so excited to be celebrating the first-ever National Charcuterie Day with @volpifoods 🎉 I firmly believe that good charcuterie deserves its own holiday! #ad Here’s what you’ll need: - @volpifoods Mild Trio - @volpifoods Rose Salami - @volpifoods Prosciutto - Brie - Cheddar - Manchego - Honey Goat Cheese - Fruits + Nuts + Sage 1. Lay out your cheeses, styling them in varying ways on your board 2. Add your @volpifoods meats to your spread 3. Fill any remaining gaps with your accouterments, including fruits, nuts and chocolates 4. Enjoy! How will you celebrate Charcuterie Day? #VolpiFoods #VolpiFoodsPartner #charcuterieday | Carissa Kurre | Charcuterie Boards
Laughing Cow Christmas Trees
Serve The Laughing Cow cheese wedges as little Christmas trees, with cranberries, pistachios, honey, and pretzel sticks for the tree base.
Master the Art of Folding Meat for Perfect Charcuterie Boards
Elevate your charcuterie presentation with these simple tips on how to fold and arrange meats beautifully! Whether you're using prosciutto, salami, or ham, these easy folding techniques will create an eye-catching, professional-looking spread that will impress your guests. Perfect for any party or special occasion!
13K views · 37K reactions | The better way to salami rose 🌹 🥂SO much easier than the champagne glass method and they DON’T fall apart! •Arrange 5 overlapping slices in a 2 oz portion cup •Lay out a line of 4 additional slices and fold in half lengthwise •Roll tightly to make a bud and place in the center •Press down to fold over the ‘petals’ and garnish with edible leaves like bay or sage 🌹🌱 #fyp #foodreels #foodideas #snackideas #easysnack #charcuterie #meatandcheese #salami #salamirose | WildSalt Studio | Tyler
Laughing Cow Christmas Cheese Trees
Easy Christmas appetizer made with spreadable cheese wedges and as few as 4 ingredients! Cover the mini cheese trees with spices, herbs, nuts or dried fruit with a pretzel stick as the trunk. Perfect for quick and easy party food and kid friendly.
629K views · 32K reactions | CANDELINE SALATE DI NATALE 🕯️ 👉🏻 SEGUIMI @cucinafacileconelena per ricevere SEMPRE nuove ricette❣️ 😋 SALVA e CONDIVIDI la RICETTA per non perderla 🤗 🥣 CUCINA con me e TAGGAMI @cucinafacileconelena nelle tue stories e/o post, ti RICONDIVIDO con piacere 💫 Ingredienti: 200 g di emmenthal 50 g di formaggio spalmabile 15 fette di salamino 15 cipolline sott’aceto 1 fetta di pane per tramezzini q.b. olio extravergine d’oliva Procedimento: Prendete una fetta di pane per tramezzini e, con una piccola formina tonda, ritagliate dei cerchietti, disponeteli su una teglia, mettete sopra un filo di olio e cuoceteli in forno preriscaldato a 200 gradi per 5 minuti. Nel frattempo tagliate il salamino a fettine e emmental a striscioline di circa 5 cm e spesse un cm. Prendete un cerchietto di pane, spalmateci un po’ di formaggio cremoso e mettete sopra una fettina di salame. Infilzate con uno stuzzicadenti un pezzettino di emmental, posizionatelo sul salame e realizzare la fiamma della candela, con una cipollina sottaceto. Procedete in questo modo per realizzare tutte le candeline salate di Natale. 👩🏻‍🍳 La RICETTA completa e dettagliata sul mio blog CUCINA FACILE CON ELENA 🧁🔸🔸 (link diretto in BIO) 😘 #candele #candeline #antipasti #antipasto #natale #capodanno #ricetta #ricette #ricettefacili #ricetteveloci #CucinafacileconElena 💜 | Elena Laudicina - Cucina facile con Elena 👩🏻‍🍳